Macro by name, macro by nature. Known for their enormous leaves, an alocasia macrorrhizos can grow up to 3 metres tall in the wild. Luckily, as a houseplant it’s a bit more compact. This fabulous plant comes from the tropical regions of South-East Asia and Hawaii, so recreate the rainforest to keep it happy.
It’s better to under-water your alocasia macrorrhizos than overwater it. Where you can, use rainwater or tap water that’s been left to stand for 24 hours. If you spot yellow leaves, a rotted base or mouldy soil you’re probably going a bit too hard on the watering. For an extra growth spurt, feed your alocasia macrorrhizos once a month in spring and summer with a balanced houseplant fertiliser.
Give your alocasia plenty of bright, indirect sunlight and turn your plant every so often to encourage even growth. Those huge leaves love humidity, so a bright steamy bathroom is a great home for this alocasia. Check the leaves regularly, as pests like spider mites can make a home in the grooves. Just give each leaf a good wipe down once a week or so.
Did you know?
In unusual circumstances, an alocasia macrorrhizos will produce a flower that looks a lot like a peace lily. Be quick - these blooms usually only last for a few days.